The ‘Let’s Learn about Drugs & Alcohol Together’ (LLADAT) Projects began in September 2012.
The LLADAT projects encompass – an after school alcohol awareness and drug education programme designed and developed for 2nd year parents and pupils, and a resource pack for the teaching and learning of cannabis education at Junior Cycle. The project is funded by the HSE Mid-West and is delivered in partnership with the Mid-West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Forum (MWRDAF) to schools across Clare, Limerick and North Tipperary.
Register your school for the
LLADAT Afterschool Programme 2024
Schools in the Midwest region (Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary) are now invited to register their interest for September 2024. All workshops are delivered free of charge afterschool by HSE / MWRDAF Staff. The LLADAT programme complements the junior cycle SPHE programme and works in tandem with school and DES policies.
Email sancha.power@hse.ie for more information.
Delivering October 2024 – March 2025
Afterschool Programme
The LLADAT afterschool programme allows parents and young people to learn more about drugs and raise alcohol awareness. As a key objective, the LLADAT endeavours to nurture protective factors relating to the parent-child relationship, while creating a shared dialogue where clear messages surrounding alcohol awareness and drug education can take place. The concept of shared learning experiences is central. A relatively new approach as traditionally, parents and adolescents were addressed as separate groups in the past. The LLADAT afterschool programme is currently delivered in over 54% of the post-primary junior cycle education providers across the mid-west.
The LLADAT #CannabisUnplugged resource is a cannabis education initiative designed and developed to aid teachers in the teaching and learning of cannabis in the classroom. It is unique in that it aims to reach out to pupils and communicate to them the different aspects of cannabis use. It explores the cannabis drug, the consequence of use and misuse focusing on health and legal implications. Facilitating pupils to learn more about drugs, empowering them to make informed decisions while also building upon their capacity to deal with choices about drug use. The resource pack which is currently at pilot stage will be made available to all post-primary school SPHE Teachers in the coming year.
Get your school involved! 
Afterschool Programme
An evidence-based, sustainable workshop for teachers, parents and 2nd year pupils that allow a shared experience of drug education. The programme allows parents and young people to learn more about drugs and raise alcohol awareness. While building on the work complete in the SPHE classroom. The LLADAT afterschool programme is currently delivered to over 54% of the Post Primary education providers across the mid-west region.
2) #Cannabis
#CannabisUnplugged is a new and innovative teaching and learning cannabis education resource developed for educating young people. It explores the cannabis drug, the consequence of use and misuse focusing on health and legal implications. The interactive resource pack facilitates teachers and pupils to learn more about drugs, empowering pupils to make informed decisions while also building upon their capacity to say no.