LLADAT for Teachers

The aim of the programme is to support and build upon the work of SPHE in the classroom, while addressing parent/pupil needs in drugs education and to create a dialogue on the topic between parents and their children.
The LLADAT after school programme consists of two workshop sessions that take place in school or the community (with the support of the school). Delivery of the programme takes place over two weeks (usually successive and the same evening).
Designed and developed for 2nd year pupils and their parents the sessions are interactive and engage the pupil and parent in a unique shared learning environment. The content of the project is aligned to the relevant NCCA SPHE curriculum guidelines, thus ensuring age appropriate content, while promoting alcohol awareness and drug education. Pupils must have covered the necessary content in SPHE class prior to participating in the workshop – to ensure that the session builds on prior learning.
Topics covered
Session One: Parents
- What is a drug?
- Why young people use drugs?
- How to talk to your child about drugs
- Importance of Parental influence
- Key prevention messages
- Information on key substances
Session Two:
Student & Parents
Builds on workshop one and supports learning from the SPHE class, through active engagement around three key messages about cannabis, solvents and alcohol.
- Cannabis usage can affect your mental health
- Solvents abuse can led to premature death
- The consequences of alcohol are as harmful as illegal drugs